Harvest Moon Pumpkin Bouquet


Embrace the enchanting beauty of autumn with our Harvest Moon Pumpkin Bouquet. This exquisite arrangement is presented within a real, fresh orange pumpkin, serving as a charming vessel for a captivating display of fall’s finest blooms. Within the pumpkin’s rustic embrace, you’ll find a stunning combination of orange roses, delicate scabiosa pods, and an array of seasonal fall flowers in warm hues. Intertwined with brown fall leaves, this bouquet exudes the essence of the season. SKU: HMPB

Monday to Friday: Order by 2pm CST for Same Day Flower Delivery

Saturdays: Order by 12pm CST for Same Day Flower Delivery

Each bouquet will arrive with flower care instructions. Please note, certain fragile products are available for a local delivery only.

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